We know finding the right place can be a challenge. That's why we do what we do!
We'll help you find a great fit. Contact us today to learn more about what's available!
If you want to view a vacant or available home, you can check out a key from our office with a $50, Cash only, holding deposit. We stop checking out keys at 2:30pm. All keys must be returned the same day by 3:30pm Mon-Thurs, and on Friday’s by 3:00 pm.
The holding deposit will be returned to you when the key is returned on the same day.
We suggest calling before coming down to the office to make sure the home is still available for viewing.
Tuscan Sun Property Management only rents through our website and in person at our office at 1310 Continental Street in Redding.
Applications are not accepted through Zillow or any other source. We do not accept applications via fax or email due to a processing fee must accompany the application. Applications can be walked into our office with payment or completed online.
We do not list through Craigslist or Facebook Market Place.
Always be prepared to pay a deposit in certified funds. We never ask for payment through Zelle, Cashapp or Venmo.